Saturday, February 4, 2012

Breakfast Sign Up

During busy season, Derek has to work Saturdays and they take turns at the office bringing breakfast.  They get reimbursed of course:)

I love it when it's Derek's turn.  He's the only one from his office that actually makes food, the only one.  So when it's his turn, we get breakfast too:)  Maybe one of the only tiny benefits of him working 70+ hours a week...but not really.

Today he made chocolate scones with cinnamon butter and spinach and ricottta quiche.  Lucky us...and lucky coworkers!

These are so good!  And the cinnamon butter...awwww, take me away!

We've had the quiche before, which is delicious, especially if you add some Cholula hot sauce (we recently discovered this hot sauce and put it on everything).

I also enjoyed a hot cup of coffee in one of my favorite mugs from a good friend, yum.  Side note, Derek hates coffee, especially the smell.  He's missing out.

Hakan really seemed to enjoy the chocolate scones as well:)  He didn't eat the quiche because he's allergic to eggs, but he had a little bit of the sausage and loves that.

Does anyone else find it pointless to sweep the floors with kids?

I also thought I'd check in with my resolutions that I wrote about know, to stay accountable:)

Planning and shopping for our meals a week in advance.
This is going SO well!!  We're saving money and I don't have to worry about what we're having for supper, I love it!  We're still using to help with this. Check it out!

Daily devotions and prayer.
We're definitely trying.  Between a Bible study I'm in and a mom's group (with a book), it's so hard to get all the reading in, plus everything else as a wife and mom...but it's getting done...maybe not everyday, but we have our catch up days:)

Be more intentional with my kids.
I'm spending less time online and doing work while they're awake, so we can spend more time together doing fun stuff.  Obviously this can't always happen, but I am trying to be more intentional.

Keep the house clean and organized...or semi-clean:) in progress, always.

Eat less and not so many sweets.
Ha!  Well, since there's an actual sweet in this post, probably can't say I'm doing better with this one.  However, I've been working out a little and lost 1.5 lbs in a week, so maybe if I can just balance the working out with a few sweets, it'll all be good, lol!

Stay on budget.
We still need to sit down and dissect January, I know our food was below budget which is awesome, because it was a hard goal.

Renew my teaching license.
Yep, haven't even looked into this yet, time's a ticking.

Print pictures every month.
Need to print some for January.

Hakan's Resolution...
Be potty trained by 2013.
He's gone poop on the potty 3 times and pee 3 times...but only when Derek's here, so I'm not sure how this is going to work, but we'll keep chugging along.

Adeline's Resolution...
Sleep through the night.
Yeah, not happening.  She screamed for over 2 hours the other night and woke up 4+ times in addition to that.  Someday.

Also, if you haven't already, you should sign up to win this fun giveaway from a friend, and also this giveaway that I'm participating in, tons of prizes and winners!  Good luck!!

Have a great weekend!

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