Pumpkin carving is so messy and fun! I discovered a few years ago that our melon baller gets all the slimy inside stuff off super easy and clean, love it! Two out of the three pumpkins I picked out couldn't really stand on their own...guess who picked the perfect "stand on it's own and round" pumpkin ;)
Hakan didn't really love cleaning them out, but really loved carving them, with help from us. He picked out the one eye face, because it reminds him of Mike from Monster's Inc. Adeline sort of helped daddy carve. She liked pulling the pieces out after he carved them.
So we also all of sudden have a squirrel infestation around here and have never had a problem with them eating our pumpkins, but the first night after buying them, they had chunks taken out all over them, squirrels 1, pumpkins 0 After carving them, Hakan and I completely slathered them with vaseline, pumpkins win! They're super shiny and slippery, but those squirrels don't mess with them.
Oh my goodness, this kid just cracks me up all the time, love him!
Of course we roasted our yummy seeds, some sweet, some savory, and they're already almost gone:( Until next year!