Friday, May 27, 2011

From Head to Toe

I love that Hakan loves to read books.
I love reading them to him.
I love when he sits and "reads" book after book from the shelf.
I love when he comes to me saying and signing book when he wants to read.
I love it when he has a favorite book.
He has had many favorite books in his short little life of 22 months.  
Right now, every night, he cannot go to bed without reading this one.
There are actions on every page.  When he wants to read it he thumps his fists on his chest like a gorilla and makes the sound, so adorable.
Another one for a long time, and sometimes now when he's in the mood, was this one.
My grandma got Hakan the "My Baby Can Read" set, which includes flashcards, books and dvd's.  
He loves to do the flashcard and books.  He can't read yet, this program is pretty ridiculous as far as how much time you have to spend doing it, of course your baby will learn to read if you're doing all of it 24/7, but I am skeptical.
My hope is that Hakan will always love to read like his mom and dad:)
I can't wait to see what favorites are to come in the following months and years.  To have Hakan excitedly telling me about a story or book he just read.
Our little reader:)

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